Today’s News

ATTENTION: COVID-19 UPDATE (updated 3/28/2020)

Per the directive of local and state
authorities, the RRC’s recreation centers, field houses, and programs
are closed and/or suspended until further notice.

Please note:
Daily dinner and snack are available Monday – Friday, 4:30 p.m. – 5:30
p.m. at 3rd and Spruce Recreation Center and 11th and Pike Recreation

For more information on the Coronavirus, please visit the CDC’s website CDC Coronavirus Information Thank you!

Spring Tennis…Check out our COR Facebook page to see cool fitness challenges that you can do at home!

Adult Volleyball…Summer league information coming soon!

After School Program …Currently closed. We miss you and hope to see you soon!

This Week

The RRC offers all kinds of great sports activities – Basketball, Tennis, and more!  Check our program pages for registration information.

Interested in sponsoring a child for one of our programs? Visit our DONATE NOW page to learn how you can help a child have a brighter future.